Nodefusion Supplier Agreement
Each Supplier quote must include:
- Supplier company name and full address
- Supplier VAT ID
- Supplier contact email address
- Validity period of the offer with commitment
- Payment method: Bank transfer (SEPA or SWIFT) or via Bank card (VISA)
- Payment terms: minimum 30 days after receipt of invoice
- Price and currency including VAT details
- Warranty information (conditions and expire date)
- Specification of goods or services
- Expected delivery date
- For goods, shipment information including shipment price
When ordering, Nodefusion will send to Supplier via email:
- The appropriate Nodefusion Purchase Order Number
- Requested Ship-to location
Supplier must send via email to Nodefusion:
- Order confirmation
- Estimate delivery date
- Shipment tracking number (if any)
- Must be according to the supplier Quote and Nodefusion Order
- Must contain Nodefusion Purchase Order Number
- Serial numbers must be provided
- Must be sent electronically via e-mail, as individual PDF files, and in a timely manner, to the defined Nodefusion procurement e-mail address